Pallet Types

Pallet TypesPallet types vary in size and the type of materials used to build the pallet.

Many pallets have weight restrictions and are generally based on static or dynamic use. It is important to make sure you know what weight your pallet can hold.

Another factor to consider is what you plan to do with the pallet. For example, if the pallet is travelling overseas it will need to meet all custom requirements of the country that it is leaving as well as the country that it is being transported to.

When looking at price it may be feasible for you to utilise a second hand pallet that has been refurbished to make it possible to re-use again. Just keep in mind that it is impossible to determine what weight has been carried previously, or how many cycles it has already been through.

New pallets made can be made from timber (either softwoods or hardwoods), plastic, steel, cardboard, presswood (chipboard) and even a mix of these may be possible.

Generally a wooden pallet is made up of top boards, bearers (stringers), and bottom boards. However, some pallets have blocks instead of bearers allowing 4-way access to your pallet with your pallet jack and/or forklift.

Some other factors that also come into play will be whether your pallet is to be stored on pallet racking. This will also determine the size of the pallet and in particular, the gap to where the bottom boards need to be placed to allow a secure fit on your racking.

If, before using your pallets, they are stored outside and they are exposed to the elements of the weather, this will effect the type of pallet you must use.

Cardboard pallets are of no use if they get wet, and pine pallets, commonly known as softwood pallets, tend to bow when they get wet and then dry out again.

Some plastic pallets will become brittle and break when exposed to the elements. Also keep in mind that some plastic pallets are no good for refrigeration.

Whatever your pallet needs are, your pallet manufacturer should be experienced enough to be able to supply you with the correct pallet to suit your product requirements.

A cheap pallet may mean product damage at the end of the line. It is up to you to determine what is more important and what value you put on damaged products arriving at your clients doorstep. Not only would you have to replace that product but you would run the risk of losing a client forever. All this for the sake of saving a few dollars.

We wish you well on your selection process and if you need any help feel free to give us a call.

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